General discussion area on the Can-Am Ryker
Decon Blue
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by Decon Blue » Thu Oct 03, 2019 3:33 pm
Hopper wrote: ↑Thu Oct 03, 2019 3:00 pm
I was supposed to pick up my 2020 Ryker Rally from Pensacola Motorsports tomorrow, October 4th. Was notified from my sales representative that there is a stop sales on all Rykers due to a safety recall. I asked him what the recall was for and he said it was for the lug nuts. I said that I had been following the cracked wheel nut issue on Ryker Forums and on You Tube. Hoping the new nuts will be sent soonest so I can finally get my Ryker. I received the pictures of Hopper earlier today and was getting all the paperwork ready for tomorrows pick up....
Hopper ??
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by Hopper » Thu Oct 03, 2019 3:39 pm
That's what I named my Ryker. After a hopping spider....
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by Tim » Tue Oct 15, 2019 7:28 pm
This last weekend (October 12-13, 2019) my 16 year old daughter and I attended the MSF 3 Wheel Basic Motorcycle Course sponsored by Can Am at Brown's Driving School in Oklahoma City. The course had 12 attendees and 6 three wheeled motorcycles. Two Spyder RTs, 3 Ryker 900 ACEs, and a Ryker 600 ACE. The bikes are provided by Jones Off Road in Jones, Oklahoma and are rotated out every six months.
The intent was that people would pair up and share the bikes. My daughter chose the Ryker 600 and that is what we shared. The 600 ACE had 94 miles on it when we started.
On the first day of the course I inspected the bike knowing about the recall. During the second day of the course I noted that all three wheel nuts had cracked on the bike. My daughter said it was my fault as I was doing my best to accelerate hard and then brake as hard as I could during the emergency stopping portion of the class.
After I noticed the cracks I checked all of the bikes and two of the 900 ACEs each had one cracked nut. The instructor, due to the lack of bikes, and the slow speeds we were limited to decided to press on with the bikes as they where.
As my daughter finished the second to last assessment the front left wheel of the 600 ACE was at an awkward angle and was making a terrible grinding sound. The instructor had us use one of the 900 ACE bikes to complete the final assessments.
A couple of things I learned was:
1.) The nut issue was more prevalent on the 600 ACE rather then the 900 ACE (I know this was a small sample size)
2.) The extra power of the 900 ACE over the 600 ACE is worth the extra money
3.) The students sharing the Spyders all had issues with the Spyders due to the more complex controls mostly related to shifting and the parking break
4.) One student was so tall that he switch from the Spyder to the Ryker because it was more comfortable for him
The class was well worth and I am glad I took it before buying the bike. I now have a very difficult decision as to which bike to buy but I am currently looking at the 900 ACE from Jones Off Road in Jones, Oklahoma.

- Cracked nut #2

- Cracked nut #1

- Daughter on Ryker 600 ACE
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by poli » Tue Oct 15, 2019 9:42 pm
My brother-in-law bought his Rally from Jones. Seems to be a good place. I think you answered your own question when you stated 'the extra power of the 900 is worth the money'. Go with either the Ace 900 or Rally, depending on how you're going to use it. Strictly on the street, Ace. Mostly on dirt back roads ( like my brother-in-law and I do ), Rally.
Location: East texas
RTS Spyder
Ryker Rally Edition
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by Tim » Tue Oct 15, 2019 9:58 pm
poli wrote: ↑Tue Oct 15, 2019 9:42 pm
Strictly on the street, Ace. Mostly on dirt back roads ( like my brother-in-law and I do ), Rally.
My plan is strictly paved roads. I can’t remember the last time I was on a dirt road.
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by GeneTmarr62 » Wed Oct 16, 2019 2:18 am
Hi there. My name is Gene from New Zealand. I have the Ryker Rally. My dealer here informed me there was a worldwide recall on the Rykers due to the wheel nuts cracking on some.I had not had any issues but they replaced mine today. So there has been enough issues to warrant a recall.
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by robval1987 » Sun Nov 10, 2019 4:25 am
My dealership contacted me on Thursday, advised me that they had received the new Wheel Nuts that they ordered for the recall. Took about 30 minutes to install nuts on both Rykers as well as a panel that needed to be replaced due damage prior to purchase. Wanted to watch them replace them, but was not allowed in the service area. Would like to have seen the whole torque process as they replaced the nuts and seen if they went tighter or loosen the nut to line up hole for red clip. From what I understand there suppose to advance to next hole ( thats why there is a + or -) when torqueing the Wheel Nuts.
Retired U.S.ARMY & LEO
Never drive faster then your Guardian Angel can fly...

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by KC61 » Sat Nov 30, 2019 4:07 pm
There are several holes in the axle, not just 1 to help with alignment of the clip. Usually 1 lines up perfect. They installed mine today in the parking lot on my trailer. They gouged the rear wheel and had to replace it.