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At 350 Miles, A Tapping Sound At Idle That Comes & Goes

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2019 3:52 pm
by Aufgeblssen47
At some red lights the engine taps, and others it does not while idling. Also, if I slightly rev it, the tapping goes away. It is a metallic sound (not plastic). I'm pretty sure it is the clutch.

Anyone else experience this anomaly?

Re: At 350 Miles, A Tapping Sound At Idle That Comes & Goes

Posted: Fri May 24, 2019 7:36 pm
by skullshark
I have a tap knock sound that i've heard a few times after riding for over 30 minutes. I have 300 miles on mine. There's 2 videos on facebook

Re: At 350 Miles, A Tapping Sound At Idle That Comes & Goes

Posted: Sat May 25, 2019 5:02 am
by Aufgeblssen47
Mine hasn't done it for quite some time now.